
  • ALONE YET NOT ALONE is based on an inspiring true story taken from a novel of the same name written by Tra…
  • 多比亚(伊凡·弗拉内克IvanFranek饰)是在钟表厂工作的工人,每天都在重复着前一天的工作,看上去如同行尸走肉般…
  • 但丁(Graham McTavish 配音)在35岁时,迷失于一个黑暗的森林。他竭力寻找走出迷津的道路,黎明时分来到一座洒满…
  • A stranger in his own life, 25 year old Danny reluctantly returns to his childhood home after his father's…
  • 如果一个好消息是你可以活到一百岁,坏消息是,60岁以后社会不需要你了。那么,你生命的最后三分之一是怎么做的呢…
  •   The collapse of the dollar precipitates widespread rioting and social unrest…
  • 一个跨越一生的真实爱情故事,但最终会导致痛苦的爱情损失。 简(Jan)是一个过分保护好战的父亲的女儿,但这并不…
  • A stranger in his own life, 25 year old Danny reluctantly returns to his childhood home after his father's…
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